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Keyboard shortcuts

⌨️ General

MacWindows & LinuxAction
+ Pctrl + PShow/Hide command palette
+ Kctrl + KOpen search bar
+ .ctrl + .Hide/Show UI
+ [ctrl + [Go back
+ ]ctrl + ]Go forward

🧱 Block actions

MacWindows & LinuxAction
+ shift + enter

Run current block and move cursor to next block

(creates a new cell if at the end of the notebook)

+ alt + enterRun block & create code block below
+ ctrl + enterRun current block
+ + .ctrl + shift + .Stop execution
+ + Hctrl + alt + HHide/Show block code
+ + Hctrl + shift + HHide/Show block output
+ + Mctrl + shift + MToggle between code and Markdown block
+ + ctrl + shift + backspaceDelete block
+ + alt + shift + Move block up
+ + alt + shift + Move block down
+ + Dctrl + shift + DDuplicate block
+ Jctrl + JAdd new code block below current one
+ Kctrl + KAdd new code block above current one
+ Zctrl + ZUndo
+ + Zctrl + shift + ZRedo
+ + Cctrl + alt + CAdd comment
+ 'ctrl + 'More actions
+ + Ectrl + shift + EEdit code with AI
+ + Ictrl + shift + IExplain code with AI

✍️ Code editing

MacWindows & LinuxAction
+ Dctrl + DExpand selection (multiple cursors)

When caret is at the beginning of a line, add indent

Otherwise, show autocomplete suggestions

+ tabshift + tabDecrease indent
+ /ctrl + /Toggle line/selection comment
+ alt + Move lines down
+ alt + Move lines up
+ + Falt + shift + FFormat code

🖥️ Terminal

MacWindows & LinuxAction
+ Cctrl + shift + CCopy selected text
+ Vctrl + shift + VPaste